Posters must be brought to the Conference by the presenting author and should not be mailed in advance. The required dimensions are 85 cm (width) by 120 cm (height). At the top of poster, please provide the title of the paper, names of the authors and their affiliations, all in bold lettering of about 2.5 to 3 cm size. Artwork and lettering should be large and clear enough so that the poster is readable from a distance of 1.5 m.
Deadline for abstract submission is 25th April 2019.
The organizers reserve the right to change the mode of paper presentation (as poster or oral) and to choose a subtitle session for the abstract. Notice of acceptance will be e-mailed to the submitting authors.
Submitting authors must register and pay registration fee. Abstracts without paid registration fees will not be published in the abstract book.
Please send your abstract to